Thursday, January 31, 2008

My Celebrity Look-Alikes

My mom sent me this fun link! It's very cool, and super easy! But really, Ashton Kutcher???

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Robbie Rocks!

Robbie passed his belt test! He is now recommended blue belt. Not bad at all, especially considering he had a fever! Isn't he handsome?

OOhhhhhh! Pretty!

Cameron asked me why, if God promised to never flood the world again, was it raining. Kids are funny.

I Said No!

Sob. Today when I left the grocery store, a boy was out front. He was selling a 7 week old Begal puppy. It was all I could do to walk away, but I did it. I'm SO regretting it! I tried to comfort myself by petting my dog, but she just looked at me and sighed and put her head down. She didn't even get up. That sweet puppy would have! You'd better watch it, Chloe!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I'm sorry, but I kind of have a problem with this. In case it's too small, it says, "Jesus loves you but I'm his favorite". Is it just me, or is this just wrong?

Not Much Better

If you haven't read my last blog, read that one first.......All caught up? You may continue.

Now, Robbie is watching A Haunting. I watched it a few times when he began to show an interest in the show. We've talked about how we don't believe in ghosts, and how they don't really haunt us, and how dead people can't hurt us. He knows that. I know that. It just strikes me as funny that my 8-year-old is watching exactly the same thing I would have loved to watch at his age. I think I'll start his subscription to the Dean Koontz Fan Club.

Thanks, CN

Thanks to this terrible channel, Robbie now wants to fart into a balloon to fill it up. This was someones brilliant idea of children's television. He has found is science project for the rest of his school career. I'm so proud.

Friday, January 11, 2008

The Mop

For those of you who read my mom's blog, and saw my comment about the amazing new mops we got, here is the picture of my mop head after moping my hall, entryway, kitchen, and dining room. Pretty nast, huh?