Saturday, November 7, 2009

'Member Me?

Hi! It's been awhile! How have you been? Have you missed me? I've missed you!

Because of a little website known as Facebook, I haven't been blogging. I post the goings on of my little family there as statuses. But there are stories. Oh, the stories. I'm hoping to get back into the blogging habit. It may be slow at first, but hang by me. I'll get there.

I've started following some blogs. I really look forward to seeing new posts from these women.
This is Heather. She is a leader of a Sparkpeople team I was on. She is wise, brave, witty, strong, and not afraid to say "Want to know me? Here's my heart, welcome to it." I hope to eventually be as brave and strong as she is.
This is a different Heather. She is a well known blogger. You may have heard of her. You may have read her. You may have been offended by her. You may have secretly wished to be her. She, like the first Heather, is also brave, but in a completely different way. If a thought enters her head, she doesn't check her filter. She says (err.. types) it. I hope to eventually be as hysterical and "no holds barred" as she is.

I guess that's it for now. I'm going to have to poke around and refigure things out here. I don't even remember how to add pictures, make those blog addresses links, and all that! I'll get it. Just be patient with me.

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